Tired of building commenting systems?

Embedding a Juvia commenting page only involves pasting a JavaScript snippet into your web page.

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Comments out-of-the-box

Juvia is an open source commenting system. It allows you to outsource your commenting needs to an external system so that you don't have to build your own commenting system for each website or each web app.

Juvia is similar to Disqus and IntenseDebate. Trying to integrate existing commenting solutions in an AJAX web application is frustrating. Juvia offers full support for AJAX web pages. Juvia's source does not conflict with your page's existing JavaScripts.


  • Moderation support, either manually or automatically via Akismet.
  • Multi-user support for Juvia admin panel operators.
  • Email notification of new comments.
  • WordPress comment import.

Juvia deliberately does not support nested comments typical for extremely active discussion forums. Instead, Juvia strives for simplicity.

Installing Juvia


  1. Clone the repository into a desired directory and cd to it.

  2. Configure your database details by editing config/database.yml.

  3. Configure other settings by editing config/application.yml.

  4. Install the necessary dependencies:
    bundle install --without='development test postgres sqlite' --path=help

  5. Install the database schema:
    bundle exec rake db:schema:load RAILS_ENV=production

  6. Compile the static assets:
    bundle exec rake assets:precompile RAILS_ENV=production RAILS_GROUPS=assets

  7. Deploy this application to Phusion Passenger or whatever application server you prefer.

  8. You can now access Juvia through the address that you configured. It will ask you to create an initial administrator account and to register a site.

Learn how it works

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