Aggregate all your support channels

Support Central let's you easily manage community
and commercial support all in the same place.

Learn more Get it at Github

All tickets in one place

Support Central displays in a central interface which support tickets need replying on. This allows your support team to easily handle both community and commercial support in a central interface.

GitHub issues

Keep an eye on the focal point of your users technical issues.

Ticketing system

Feed in your SupportBee or FrontApp systems with all your emails.

Stack Overflow

Monitor any RSS feed or Stack Overflow search term.

Get Started

Support Central tracks GitHub issues as follows. For every repository for which the webhook is installed, the following happens:

  • If a new issue is opened by someone outside the organisation, the issue gets the 'SupportCentral' label.
  • If a new issue comment is posted by a non-Phusion member, the issue gets the 'SupportCentral label'.
  • This label is removed if a Phusion member posts a comment in that issue.

Support Central displays all issues with the 'SupportCentral' label.

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